Weight Loss

Weight Log: 40.5 - Why No Blog Posts?

tl;dr~ Weight stagnation and repeating health issues causing issue. So in more details, why no blog posts for 3 months? Because nothing has changed, at least with what I’m doing and with my weight. I’m still eating more protein, still eating more structured times, still doing more fruit and veg, finally still (most days) in a deficit. Lots of weight fluctuations but just being stagnate. Mental health has been iffy mostly due to an emotional anniversary but sleep wise I’ve been doing good again.

Weight Log: 40 - Milestone missed, but...

Latest recorded weight: 184.2 kg (weekly avg) - 406.1 lb - 29 stone and 0.1 lb - BMI: 56.9 A day late and as the title suggests and the numbers above show, I did not make it to my target… but I did still lose weight overall. That’s a win right? I’m trying not to let my missed goal get to me as I did still lose weight and start to build better fitness habits.

Weight Log: 39 - Sickness, Depression... But We Carry On

Latest recorded weight: 185.4 kg (weekly avg) - 408.7 lb - 29 stone and 2.7 lb - BMI: 57.2 Not the best follow up from the frankly amazing loss of the last post. While my weight on the day is 184.2 kg, the weekly average is what I am using to measure post to post and I am up just ever so slightly. So what happened between now and 2 weeks ago?

Weight Log: 38.5 - A Strong Start

Latest recorded weight: 185.1 kg (weekly avg) - 408.1 lb - 29 stone and 2.1 lb - BMI: 57.1 9.4 lbs lost in 2 weeks 😮 That’s not bad going lol. This has been tough but with some structure and an amazing support network I’ve made a great start. Next post I will give a full on 1 month in review on my diet, mental and fitness habits but safe to say, so far going strong.

Weight Log: 38 - Now Let's Start 2024

Latest recorded weight: 189.4 kg - 417.6 lb - 29 stone and 11.6 lb - BMI: 58.5 Christmas, done. New Years, done. Winter vacation with my better half 💕, done! Let’s officially start 2024. Mentally I’m in a great place right now. That winter escape with my partner was exactly what we both needed after a busy year and very chaotic December. Deep in the heart of the lake district away from everything, just us and the stars.

Weight Log: 37.5 - Expected Victoza® Supply in 2025

Latest recorded weight: 188.8 kg (weekly avg) - 416.2 lb - 29 stone and 10.2 lb - BMI: 58.3 Got an update on the global Victoza® shortage… I won’t get my prescription until early 2025. At least 13 months! Safe to say, I don’t think I’ll be going back onto this drug plus Victoza® was the alternative semaglutide based drug to the even more popular Ozempic®. So need an alternative to the alternative?

Weight Log: 37 - Victoza® Shortages, Withdrawal Sucked

Latest recorded weight: 187.8 kg - 414 lb - 29 stone and 8 lb - BMI: 58.0 Well it happened, it finally happened. I got lucky last month with my GP’s pharmacist managing to find me one Victoza® pen to tide me over. Since then its been radio silence with them and nothing but “global shortage in supply” as a response from my regular pharmacy. The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England have advised that supply of GLP1-RAs is not expected to return to normal until at least mid-2024.

Weight Log: 36.5 - More Data Needed

Latest recorded weight: 186.7 kg (avg) - 411.6 lb - 29 stone and 5.6 lb - BMI: 57.6 Turns out, weighing myself daily is really what I needed to make right changes and work out what was going on with this body. Honestly it really helped me identify how my weight changes with what I eat and drink. Begs the question: How to record my progress for the blog? Answer: Weekly average.

Weight Log: 36 - Shortages and Stress

Latest recorded weight: 188.0 kg - 414.5 lb - 29 stone and 8.5 lb - BMI: 58.0 The 18th October post never happened, I was in a right state worrying about my Flu/COVID jab. Thankfully I had the Pfizer COVID vaccine which I was all okay with. The flu jab kicked my arse for 2 days but I kept going. Monday 23rd October I got a letter from my GP surgery saying I have chronic kidney disease (stage 3) which put me into a right tizzy.

Weight Log: 35 - No More Detours

Latest recorded weight: 187.3 kg - 412.9 lb - 29 stone and 6.9 lb - BMI: 57.8 Numbers down! In fact, back to the weight I was in Weight Log: 34 and honestly was not expecting it. So while I have got my diet back on track I did go away and spend a lovely (and very needed) weekend away with my better half and her family. Had a big roast dinner and desserts while I was there and in my head if I have anything like that then I worry that it’ll just ruin me for a week.

Weight Log: 34.5 - Weekend Off, Week to Recover

Latest recorded weight: 188.1 kg - 414.7 lb - 29 stone and 8.7 lb - BMI: 58.1 Numbers rising again… and I know why. Few weekends ago I wanted to have a moment of indulgence, a moment off from being super careful and calculated with my diet. While it was nice, I suffered after and its taken a week to get back on track-ish with the eating. Stress eating is my biggest enemy.

Weight Log: 34 - Hard Consequence of the Increased Dose

Latest recorded weight: 187.3 kg - 412.9 lb - 29 stone and 6.9 lb - BMI: 57.8 Numbers slightly down! But 💩 💩 💩 “The most common side effects of Victoza® may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation.” Yes, I got constipation bad. Not something anyone here wants to read but whole point of these posts is for me to be open with it all. Water retention and oedema symptoms are pretty much dealt with.

Weight Log: 33.5 - Dose up, waist down

Latest recorded weight: 187.7 kg - 413.8 lb - 29 stone and 7.8 lb - BMI: 57.9 Numbers still going down! Yes, some fluctuations still but since my dose got increased last week it kicked things into the next gear. Water retention and oedema symptoms are going away too which is great. Mentally doing great but bit work stressed right now. But! I have booked off an extended Bank Holiday weekend (Saturday to Wednesday) to help just relax with my better half 💕, can’t wait.

Weight Log: 33 - Slowly but Surely

Latest recorded weight: 188.8 kg - 416.2 lb - 29 stone and 10.2 lb - BMI: 58.3 Numbers still going down! I feel my weight fluctuations day by day. Water retention and oedema is still a significant thing to tackle but overall its going well. Diet is, okay? Well until last weekend where I got a bunch of snacks to enjoy myself and go goblin mode into Baldur’s Gate 3 (which is amazing btw).

Weight Log: 32.5 - 14 days of Victoza®

Latest recorded weight: 190.2 kg - 419.3 lb - 29 stone and 13.3 lb - BMI: 58.7 Solid start! Back to where I was 5th April 2023. I will admit it was lower (back to where I was in Feb 2023) but I still have some bad habits with stress and food. Still learning how thing changes how my body works/feels. Of the most common side effects of Victoza® I’ve only had minor diarrhoea, some constipation and decreased appetite.

Weight Log: 32 - Victoza® or bust?

Latest recorded weight: 192.2 kg - 423.7 lb - 30 stone and 3.7 lb - BMI: 59.3 Been a while huh? Well for good reason, stressful but good nonetheless. Lots of chasing doctors, senior nurses, pharmacists as well as just dealing with the mess that is the NHS right now (btw 🫶 the NHS). Weeks of waiting, months of stress, months of chasing, lots of unknowns but I got there. I got some help, something helpful that I’ve hinted at in past posts, this so called 💉 “skinny jab” .

Weight Log: 31 - No Title, Just Self Disappointment

Latest recorded weight: 190.2 kg - 419.3 lb - 29 stone and 13.3 lb - BMI: 58.7 Diet 😬 / Mental willpower 😞 / Exercise 🛑 Not much to say, I’m just disappointed in myself. I’ll get there. I have plenty of support, plenty of reasons to get better. Life is a rollercoaster, just so happens I get motion sickness. Getting some things to help make walking a bit easier. Still waiting for my miracle appointment with the weight management clinic.

Weight Log: 30.5 - Exasperated

Latest recorded weight: 187.6 kg - 413.6 lb - 29 stone and 7.6 lb - BMI: 57.9 0.2kg loss… 6.4oz in “old money”… For all the work on eating strict and regular. sigh Well let us see what another 2 weeks can do to that number. Diet 😖 / Mental willpower 😒 / Exercise 🔜 Anyway, here’s the gif:~

Weight Log: 30 - 2023

Missed recorded weigh ins: 21st Dec 2022: 187.0 kg - 412.3 lb - 29 stone and 6.3 lb - BMI: 57.7 4th Jan 2023: 191.0 kg - 421.1 lb - 30 stone and 1.1 lb - BMI: 59.0 Latest recorded weight: 18th Jan 2023: 187.8 kg - 414 lb - 29 stone and 8 lb - BMI: 58.0 A heavier start to 2023 🎉. Oh yeah, my December was full of gains!

Weight Log: 29 - Flu...

Latest recorded weight: See Weight Log: 28.5 - Medical Appointments Are Like Buses… Day 3 of Flu recovery. At time of writing, I’m currently on day 3 of near bed bound recovery from the flu. Everything aches. Do not have the physical energy to weigh myself. Next post is due 21st December 2022 and it will be a full post to make up for missing this one. cough cough, gif:~

Weight Log: 28.5 - Medical Appointments Are Like Buses...

Latest recorded weight: 185.8 kg - 409.6 lb - 29 stone and 3.6 lb - BMI: 57.3 Medical Appointments Are Like Buses… You Wait for Ages for a One and Then They All Come Along Together. From nothing to all the appointments! Monday I had a call from the GP regarding my cholesterol. This tomorrow I am finally getting my leg ulcer looked at and the Doppler scan. Friday I have additional blood tests to check my kidneys since I’m on so many pills plus a plethora of others I can’t recall.

Weight Log: 28 - A Positive U-Turn

Latest recorded weight: 185.3 kg - 408.5 lb - 29 stone and 2.5 lb - BMI: 57.2 Weight Creeping Down… Some hard work, mental perseverance and support from those around me and I’ve turned the weigh journey around (again). Onwards and downwards! Right now though my stomach is really not happy with my efforts. I’m hoping it will adjust as the rest of me has started to feel healthier. Re-established my workday fasting, eating around 1500 calories a day which is well under.

Weight Log: 27.5 - Holiday Weight Weighing on My Mind

Latest recorded weight: 188.1 kg - 414.7 lb - 29 stone and 8.7 lb - BMI: 58.1 That Escalated Quickly. I’m not happy at all with this. I’ve not even gone crazy with eating, just lazy with my eating. So, I’m back to work tomorrow although from home as I have a fasting blood test in the morning then a Doppler ultrasound in the afternoon to rule out peripheral arterial disease in my leg.

Weight Log: 27 - B12? More like B-Gone

Latest recorded weight: 184.3 kg - 406.3 lb - 29 stone and 0.3 lb - BMI: 56.9 Weight Creeping Up… Creeping up and up again, not really thinking about my eating habits. Too much end of Project crunch at work right now really. Some days I’m forgetting to eat and others I’m over eating. My staph infection is gone but the leg ulcer it was living in has not healed fully.

Weight Log: 26 - Back to the Lab Again, Yo, This Whole Rhapsody

Latest recorded weight: 183.3 kg - 404.1 lb - 28 stone and 12.1 lb - BMI: 56.6 The Staph Infection That Just Won’t Go Away. Yup, my staph infection still has not healed. Turns out with possible blood flow issues in the large arteries and veins in my legs (Doppler ultrasound exam due late October) plus being Type 2 diabetic, healing is more at a glacial pace. The staph bacteria area is still getting treated every Wednesday with a bonus this time of a HbA1c blood test.

Weight Log: 25 - Staphylococcus Living Rent Free in My Leg

Latest recorded weight: 181.0 kg - 399 lb - 28 stone and 7 lb - BMI: 55.9 (Originally due 2022-08-03) “My knee leg aches every single day!” Oh yes, staphylococcus bacteria causing infection in the back of my leg. This spider bite that got infected has plagued me since late December but after a recent swab inside of the weeping wound, they have diagnosed a staph infection. Staph bacteria can also cause more serious infections, like blood poisoning and toxic shock syndrome so that’s fun, need to be careful.

Weight Log: 24.5 - Hot, Tired and Not Feeling All Too Great

Latest recorded weight: 180.5 kg - 397.9 lb - 28 stone and 5.9 lb - BMI: 55.7 Diet 😪 / Mental willpower 😪 / Exercise 🚷 Next full post 3rd August 2022. Anyway, here’s the gif:~

Weight Log: 24 - A Little Bit Off

Latest recorded weight: 181.0 kg - 399 lb - 28 stone and 7 lb - BMI: 55.9 Mental health break done, time to refocus. Not much else to say. No gif this time, instead I present a powerful song about the blight of depression that can just surprise you and loom over your day/week/month for no real reason. “I’m a little bit off today, something down inside me’s different” “Woke up a little off today, I can tell that something’s wrong”

Weight Log: 23 - Nothing Significant to Report

Latest recorded weight: 180.7 kg - 398.4 lb - 28 stone and 6.4 lb - BMI: 55.8 Not sure what to say? I didn’t change anything and nothing changed. Kind of as expected. Just like everyone else in the world, cost of living is making things tough but I’m doing better after some hardcore budgeting. Will this make this journey harder? I dunno, maybe. I had been experimenting with a CBD supplement to suppress appetite but due to cost that’s going to stop.

Weight Log: 22.5 - A Long March Towards Progress

Latest recorded weight: 180.7 kg - 398.4 lb - 28 stone and 6.4 lb - BMI: 55.8 Diet 😕 / Mental willpower 😪 / Exercise 🚶‍♂️ Next full post 1st June 2022. Anyway, here’s the gif:~

Weight Log: 22 - Definition of Insanity

Latest recorded weight: 182.8 kg - 403 lb - 28 stone and 11 lb - BMI: 56.4 Back to where I was a month ago? This makes no sense but okay… So while I’m once again up and back to the weight I was not only from 4 weeks ago but also when I started this, I measured myself yesterday and have lost 4 inches off my belly. Yet I’m the same weight?

Weight Log: 21.5 - A Proud Turn Around

Latest recorded weight: 179.4 kg - 395.5 lb - 28 stone and 3.5 lb - BMI: 55.4 2 weeks and back on track 😏 lets keep this progress up huh!? Managed to drag my arse out early this morning for the gym and while it was good session… yeah I’m just not a morning person. We’ll see if I keep doing the morning or just change it to Wednesday evening.

Weight Log: 21 - A Blog Post Late & the Fragility of My Weight

Latest recorded weight: 182.8 kg - 403 lb - 28 stone and 11 lb - BMI: 56.4 (Originally due 2022-04-06) 10 days off diet. For 10 days, my fragile routine just fell apart. 10 days off from fasting, diet, exercise… the whole lot was dropped as I poorly juggled work/health balance. While I know I was not making much progress, things were happening. Living away from home in a hotel for over half of those 10 days it made it harder to maintain.

Weight Log: 20.5 - Level 31 and climbing

Latest recorded weight: 179.1 kg - 394.8 lb - 28 stone and 2.8 lb - BMI: 55.3 Diet 👌 🎂 / Mental willpower 😃 / Exercise 🏃 Next full post due 6th April 2022 (few days after my WrestleMania 38 viewing party 😬) Anyway, here’s the gif:~

Weight Log: 20 - One year later...

Latest recorded weight: 179.6 kg - 396 lb - 28 stone and 4 lb - BMI: 55.4 Working on sleep. Don’t think I’ve written much on my sleep but so many studies say how important sleep is and I do agree. I have obstructive sleep apnoea which requires Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy on a nightly basis. Quite important to breath in your sleep, apparently. On top of that I have been diagnosed with insomnia which I am taking medication to try and knock me out.

Weight Log: 19.5 - Promotion Get!

Latest recorded weight: 179.9 kg - 396.6 lb - 28 stone and 4.6 lb - BMI: 55.5 As the title says, I got a promotion at work! 2 years and 4 months exactly working the IT Helpdesk and I have now been promoted to Junior IT Analyst. I’m still in the “notice period” transitioning from one role to the other but I’m loving it already. Life has a funny way of messing with me though as 2 days after taking the Helpdesk job, I totalled my car and now 2 days after starting my new role… my car fails its MOT, is deemed unfit for the road and not economically viable to repair.

Weight Log: 19 - Build Back Better

Latest recorded weight: 179.7 kg - 396.2 lb - 28 stone and 4.2 lb - BMI: 55.5 Objective: Survive - Complete. January is a rough month make any meaningful changes. Always a “just survive” kind of month, at least for me. But survive I did and just a smidge heavier than I started the month. Not great but is what it is. Money was tight but thankfully I was working from home.

Weight Log: 18.5 - Disappointed with sickness

Latest recorded weight: 181.0 kg - 399 lb - 28 stone and 7 lb - BMI: 55.9 Well… Fuck. Weight wise, I’m disappointed. I’ve been dealing with sickness since 30th December and only recently finished the course of antibiotics. Still feeling shit and still concerned with this Omicron spike. Ugh– Beginning of 2022 so far has been exhausting. Diet 😒 / Mental willpower 😞 / Exercise ❌ 😷 Full update coming 1st February 2022.

Weight Log: 18 - Welcome to the 2022

Latest recorded weight: 179.3 kg - 395.3 lb - 28 stone and 3.3 lb - BMI: 55.3 December was a rollercoaster. Weight wise, I’m back to where I was mid November 2021. Still below 180kg and 400lb line which is my line that I do not want to cross again. Why did I not blog mid December? Well it has been a mad month and while I did weight myself, I just did not have the time/energy to do a post beyond another half post.

Weight Log: 17.5 - Booster blowout

Latest recorded weight: 176.6 kg - 389.3 lb - 27 stone and 11.3 lb - BMI: 54.5 17th November I had my booster an oh lordy that was… an event. I had a rare adverse reaction to it and ended up in A&E then having 8 days off work. Better now and booster bolstered so all good. With all that you get a half post. Shocked at my loss considering I was bed bound for nearly a week but yeah I’ll take a win.

Weight Log: 17 - My diet is trash

Latest recorded weight: 178.7 kg - 394 lb - 28 stone and 2 lb - BMI: 55.2 Absolute trash. You can already tell what went wrong. I let my focus on eating slip and I fell off the diet wagon. With my metabolism being so wrecked thanks to elevated cortisol levels, I fall hard when I fall off the diet. I’ll get back on it, I always do. Blogging about this twice a month has been a journey in understanding my own behaviours and patterns.

Weight Log: 16.5 - Just the weight update

Latest recorded weight: 174.5 kg - 384.7 lb - 27 stone and 6.7 lb - BMI: 53.9 Diet 📈 / Mental willpower 😌 / Exercise 😥 Back to regular blogging soon. Things I want to post about: Food addiction / Binge eating disorder Diverticular disease and diverticulitis Complexities of Obesity Anyway, here’s the gif:~

Weight Log: 16 - Some much needed time off

Latest recorded weight: 178.5 kg - 393.5 lb - 28 stone and 1.5 lb - BMI: 55.1 A pattern emerging. Up and down, up and down. Bit of a pattern emerging here huh? Granted I’ve not really made and changes or pushes to break the plateau. Spoke with my clinical psychologist from the weight management clinic and she is very happy with where I am so next appointment will be in a year.

Weight Log: 15 - Welcome to the yo-yo

Latest recorded weight: 177.5 kg - 391.3 lb - 27 stone and 13.3 lb - BMI: 54.8 Left and right and up and down. I’ll be honest, I am so pessimistic every time I weight myself. Being harsh on myself feels natural. Yet whenever I think I’ve fucked things up, I’ve not. Back to where I was 1st September and I feel like now big social commitments/stresses are done and dusted, I can really re-focus on me again.

Weight Log: 14 - Some form of permanently exhausted pigeon

Latest recorded weight: 178.5 kg - 393.5 lb - 28 stone and 1.5 lb - BMI: 55.1 A couples of days late. As the title suggests, this post is a few days late. I feel like some form of permanently exhausted pigeon right now and its really messing me up. On top of being exhausted in general, I’ve had to cut down my intermittent fasting from 18 hours to 17 hours as I was starting to feel dizzy deep into fasting.

Weight Log: 13 - Just another weight update

Latest recorded weight: 177.5 kg - 391.3 lb - 27 stone and 13.3 lb - BMI: 54.8 No real update this time. Just want to say one thing, Happy Birthday Dad. You should have turned 61 today but you will be forever 59. Miss you. I’ll be having a proper Redington drink in honour later today. Normal update on 15th September.

Weight Log: 12 - Burnout

Latest recorded weight: 179.5 kg - 395.7 lb - 28 stone and 3.7 lb - BMI: 55.4 Bad eating, bad gains. Last 2 weeks have been rough. Work/life balance for me has been thrown off and its been so stressful. For about a week my body was physically burnt out to the point I could not do more than half a gym session without feeling dizzy. Having no time to even compose myself has left me so mentally wreaked.

Weight Log: 11 - Feel Good Inc.

Latest recorded weight: 176.5 kg - 389.1 lb - 27 stone and 11.1 lb - BMI: 54.5 Continued Progress. It’s official, this is the lightest I’ve been since around October 2019. I’m eating better, feeling better and exercise has become just a part of my weekly routine. In the past I’ve hovered and plateaued around this weight so while I am relishing the in the continued weight progress, I need to not let things slip.

Weight Log: 10 - 125 days of Intermittent fasting

Latest recorded weight: 178.7 kg - 394 lb - 28 stone and 2 lb - BMI: 55.2 Late posting but positive progress. Two months of stalling, gaining and struggling with weight again has now started to tread back downwards. This weigh in has been a massive motivation boost. The struggles, months of posting with no real results, the amazing support from all… it’s starting to feel like its paying off. If I can keep this momentum going then snowballing will just happen naturally.

Weight Log: 9 - My new normal

Latest recorded weight: 182.3 kg - 401.9 lb - 28 stone and 9.9 lb - BMI: 56.3 Progress? Just not in the numbers. Weighing myself today, I had no idea how it would be. My comfort binge eating is still an issue when something beats me and drains my mental energy. Some people drink booze, some people smoke, I eat. That being said its not all bad news. I have been building my new routine and have been going to the gym for 1 hour sessions three times a week for the past 2-3 weeks now.

Weight Log: 8 - Just the weight update

Latest recorded weight: 181.4 kg - 399.9 lb - 28 stone and 7.9 lb - BMI: 56 Back to regular blogging 1st July.

Weight Log: 7 - No title

Latest recorded weight: 180.3 kg - 397.5 lb - 28 stone and 5.5 lb - BMI: 55.6 With a very emotional anniversary coming ever closer, I’ve faltered on my eating some what. On top of that, just had 4 days of big eating to celebrate a birthday and finally being able to have family, friends etc indoors since Christmas. Still going to the gym for over an hour each time, 2-3 times a week.

Weight Log: 6 - Stalled and stressed

Latest recorded weight: 179.3 kg - 395.3 lb - 28 stone and 3.3 lb - BMI: 55.3 Stalled progress. Things became stalled once again and the cause, 29th April’s thing. Because of that, I had to stop overly stressing my heart (including going to the gym) until given the nod that it was okay. Because of that I got more panic/stress eaty to cope with my worries and just couldn’t focus on doing the right things.

Weight Log: 5 - Best result so far! - But health blip...

Latest recorded weight: 178.1 kg - 392.6 lb - 28 stone and 0.6 lb - BMI: 55.0 Best result so far! Whoh! Okay! Was not expecting this at all. Dropped a whole BMI point 👀. I did get my eating back under some control which is great. I had started going back to the gym twice a week since 12th April when it all opened up again from the ongoing Lockdown.

Weight Log: 4 - Stress eating strikes back

Latest recorded weight: 181.6 kg - 400.4 lb - 28 stone and 8.4 lb - BMI: 56.0 I suck at stress management. I’m back up to the weight I was at for Weight Log: 1 at the beginning of March and I can put this down to a poor coping mechanism, my stress eating. A poor excuse but something else I need to work on. As frustrating as it is, I am going to try and not let this blip get me down too much– Well if you’ve spoken to me already today, you know its getting me down but just need to keep going and see if I can curb things to get back on track.

Weight Log: 3.5 - New scales - New weight?!

Latest recorded weight: 179.8 kg - 396.4 lb - 28 stone and 4.4 lb - BMI: 55.5 New scales! Not much to say really. With new scales that go up to 200kg and have a larger standing area they gave me the same recording 3 times in a row so I’m happy. This does mean I will have to reset, start again with this being the new baseline since the last recordings were with different scales.

Weight Log: 3 - Scales are playing April fools...

Latest recorded weight: Unable to get stable measurement. Stalling weight loss. Not a weight loss story until you hit that wall huh? Low mood and Diverticulitis has been kicking my arse these recent weeks and well this didn’t help. I did bust out the scales middle of last week to check in before payday and.. scales said “ERR”. That hurt. I’m fasting for 18 hours a day and being strict about it.

Weight Log: 2 - Birthday indulgence

Latest recorded weight: 180.7 kg - 398.4 lb - 28 stone and 6.4 lb - BMI: 55.8 “All downhill from now”. While most people use this as a joke for now being 30, I’m going to use it for the trending progress I’m currently seeing in my weight loss 😂. This one was a shock for me, not going to lie. I had a weekend of indulgence in celebration of both my 30th birthday and mother’s day.

Weight Log: 1 - Overwhelming Support

Latest recorded weight: 181.7 kg - 400.6 lb - 28 stone and 8.6 lb - BMI: 56.1 Alright! Update number 1. As you can see in the “Progress since last post:” bit above, it says SOMETHING! I’m still above 180kg, but I got a consistent reading from my home scales. Woooo! Finally getting a reliable reading off my own scales is pretty big for me as its been a while since I’ve been able to measure such things.

Weight Log: 0 - Accountability

I think it is time to talk about the elephant in the room. Time to be open and transparent about a very obvious health problem I have: morbid obesity. Yes, I am morbidly obese (BMI over 40). Not nice to say it but it’s true. Whenever I am honest to people about my actual weight, people are shocked at the figure. I mean yes, I’ve always been a chunker but this has truly got out of hand and the numbers agree.