Weight Log: 40 - Milestone missed, but...

Published: 2024-03-11 // Progress since last post: -1.2 kg

Latest recorded weight:

184.2 kg (weekly avg) - 406.1 lb - 29 stone and 0.1 lb - BMI: 56.9

A day late and as the title suggests and the numbers above show, I did not make it to my target… but I did still lose weight overall. That’s a win right? I’m trying not to let my missed goal get to me as I did still lose weight and start to build better fitness habits. At time of writing I am one day away from turning 33, only gets harder as time goes on so need to just keep going. I will crest that peak at some point.

Going to ditch the emojis and the half posts and stick to one fuller post every month, well every 4 weeks. This means the next post rolls onto WrestleMania XL (40) weekend. More wordy reviews and reflections on the month past leaving myself open for feedback. Anyway lets start:

Month Review

Diet changes: More protein with every meal, fruit/veg with every meal and sticking to a schedule.
I think I am discovering I have some food intolerances. Bloating, feeling drained and sometimes gassy. Not great. Still trying to ram more protein rich foods into my diet without increasing calorie intake too much. Still eating 2 apples a day plus some veg in my daily lunches. Sticking to an eating schedule is still strong but work has been getting more intense with stress and workload so something had to give or change. I’ve grown attached to a saying from Randy Santel, a competitive eater who has to regularly shed the pounds: “Fitness is recommended, nutrition is required”. I’ve been unable to walk as much on my lunch but if I keep the nutrition in high focus, I can still lose (just slower).

Mental changes: Take my sleep medication by 11 pm at least 5 nights a week.

Sleep has become more restless than I’d like. Just not getting the time or quality I’ve been having previous. No idea what is causing this one to be honest. I have been sticking to taking my medication at the right times but being jolted awake then not getting back to sleep. Too often now I’ve woken at 4-5am and just to be unable to get back to sleep so just left laying in the dark with my brain. I can tell my body clock has adjusted to the new pattern so that’s a win.

Fitness changes: Start some low-intensity exercises, walking on my lunch break.

As I eluded to earlier, the walks at lunch have fallen at the wayside but fitness has not dropped off completely. Work has been getting more intense with stress and workload so something had to give or change and I decided change. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. So if I don’t have time on my break to get some exercise in, what about after work? What’s mostly empty after 5pm and part of my work benefits? Gym!

I made steps towards this by speaking to Daniel at work and one late lunch break I did my gym induction and got some advice from him and yeah, I have started some cardio and weights again in the gym. Felt good and better fits me better right now. Still going for little walks at the local town park as well on my day off. Not often enough to be honest. Need to do more of that on my own. I have to go to the main building to clock out and after work I have no time limit, no reason NOT to go for a session. Had 3 sessions so far and my latest on Thursday was a good 50 min taking in all of Daniel’s advice. Treadmill, light weights reps, spin bike, more light weights reps and ending on more treadmill or another blast on the spin bike. Got some better fitting gym clothes as my old ones did not fit my, in a bad way. Driven to keep this going as I do need a bit more muscle also.

So what’s next? Still aiming to get to 181.4 kg. Want to continue and ramp up the gym usage as well as just keep this slow loss train going.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

As stated earlier won’t be doing a half posts any more so blog posts will be 4 weeks not 2 weeks. Next blog post will be on 7th April with Weight Log: 41.

Finally, here’s the gif.