Weight Log: 38 - Now Let's Start 2024

Published: 2024-01-14 // Progress since last post: +0.6 kg

Latest recorded weight:

189.4 kg - 417.6 lb - 29 stone and 11.6 lb - BMI: 58.5

Christmas, done.
New Years, done.
Winter vacation with my better half 💕, done!

Let’s officially start 2024. Mentally I’m in a great place right now. That winter escape with my partner was exactly what we both needed after a busy year and very chaotic December. Deep in the heart of the lake district away from everything, just us and the stars. I did something while away that I am terrible at doing… actually relax! Felt great! But now the holiday is over, time to build those new habits to carry me into the year ahead. I’m aiming for small changes to begin with. Small changes for someone of my size has a bigger impact than you’d think. Need to get this right this year, more so with no Victoza® for another 12 months (need to contact my endocrinologist to see if he has an alternative).

Diet habit changes: Have some source of protein with every meal, have at least a one piece of fruit/veg with every meal and have a food schedule.
Lunch might be an issue but nothing a little prep won’t fix. Again just building small habits. Hopefully having a kind of food schedule will teach my body when it should expect food. Yes, I just realised while writing this, I’m treating my hunger like the dog that needs training on when its food time.

Mental habit changes: Take my sleep medication by 11pm at least 5 nights a week.
Sleep is always something I suck at but time to start getting stricter with bed time. This should help a lot in general. This blog post is being written close to 11pm… so good start but won’t let this stop me going forward. Shutdown by 11pm.

Fitness habit changes: Start some low-intensity exercises. So more little walks, wall push-ups, chest press with my dumbbells.
Walk wise I have an idea for a walk I can do on my lunch break at work which. Inspired by the walk along Bassenthwaite Lake I had on my holiday which was on level ground and at my own pace, with breaks to take pictures. I think I have a route I can walk near the office which is a straight line, on level ground and I can go at my own pace. No picture breaks as its along a main road but I will still take breaks when I need to. Will find out tomorrow if this route idea is viable. 2-3 low-intensity exercises a week is the goal.

Well that’s the plans anyway. Foolish? No, I don’t think so. Just little plans, little victories, big results 🤞.

Diet 🆕 🍎 / Mental willpower 🥰 / Exercise 🚶‍♂️ 🏋️ / Victoza® ❌

No gif this time, but have a holiday picture from Bassenthwaite Lake in North West England, near the town of Keswick.

Happy 2024 folks!